Your contact persons at a glance.
Our team is happy to be here for you.
Karin Achermann
Head of Marketing and Communications
Mark Aebi
Construction Manager Architecture
Sofia Aehle
Environmental, building physics and acoustics officer
Elzim Ajdari
Consumption Data Management Technician
Priska Albiez
Head of Human Resources
Jan Alessio
Construction Manager civil engineering industry, deconstruction
Nastia Alieksieieva
Specialist planner for mobility
Salvatore Ammazzini
Project manager site documentation
Thomas Andre
Team leader for security and fire protection
Jens Andresen
Architecture Project Manager
Andreas Anetzeder
Head of Transportation Systems
Stefan Angliker
Mobility and Logistics Project Manager
Daniele Apicella
Traffic Modelling Project Manager
Jonah Aukofer
Apprentice Drafter SCC specialising in architecture
Aminnollah Ayubi
Load-Bearing Structures Project Engineer
Carmen Bachmann
Head of Sustainability Consulting
Fabian Baerlocher
Head of Energy Systems
Marc Baker
Draftsman area documentation